Printmaking Workshops
Creative workshops provide a powerful space for individuals to reconnect, switch off from the day-to-day and get lost in the creative process. At the end of the workshops people leave with a sense of calm, increased energy and curiosity. Plus their own creations!
The group environment offers new perspectives, various approaches and challenges. People gain a feeling of being part of something bigger, and greater than we could access alone.
Time and again, working within a creative environment, inspired by those around them, I see people lit up with pride, elated by finding a connection to express themselves creatively.
Upcoming Print Workshops - Quick Look
MASTERING LINOCUT at Barnet Guild of Artists
Starting in February 2025
8 week course
Monday morning 10.00 to 12.30 fully booked
Tuesday morning 10.00 to 12.30 fully booked
Monday afternoon 13.00 to 15.30 fully booked
For Beginners and Improvers
LINOCUT course for Jigsaw technique at Barnet Guild of Artists
2 evenings in March 5th and 12th March 2025
6.30 to 9pm
For Beginners and Improvers​
Not local to Barnet? Book a workshop in your home for your local interest group or a treat for friends.